A Beginner’s Guide to Popular Vape Tricks

popular vape tricks

As a vaper, you have to love it when someone asks the inevitable question “So, um… Why would anyone want to do tricks with vaping?” Gee, let’s see. May because it’s cool. Not only that, playing with vape tricks isn’t much different than playing with anything else that comes out of your body. You’ve seen the boys having a spitting contest, to see who can spit further? This is kind of on the same basis. But way more fun, way cooler, and nowhere near as messy.

With vape tricks, not only do you have something to do just by vaping alone but blowing “O’s” and other tricks gives us even more to do! What’s more, these tricks pretty much upped the ante when it came to E-liquids and vaping devices being forced into creating bigger clouds for bigger and better tricks. Now, anytime you read a review, there is likely to be one entire section devoted to clouds production and exhale.

Enough of that. Let’s take a look at how to make those great clouds and do some of those awesome tricks.

1. Blow An “O”

This is, without a doubt, the most basic trick in the book. To blow an “O” or a ring is the easiest of them all. First of all, take in only as much vapor as you comfortably can, without overdoing it. Push a little bit of it into your mouth without unloading your lungs. Form your lips into an “O” shape and give a little cough. Very, very little. Place your tongue smack dab in the middle of your lips, which are shaped like an “O”. Your tongue will be the hole of the “O”. Tiny little bursts of air – again, kind of like coughing – are what will force the air from your mouth. Keep trying. You’ll get it.

2. Liquid Mist

There are those who believe that this trick is even easier than blowing “O’s”. It’s not really even a trick as much as it is just a cool little thing to do. While you’re drinking something cold, it has to be from a glass, inhale as much vapor as you comfortably can. To the edge of the glass, touch your lips and gradually exhale. Because vapor is heavier than air, it will drop down into the glass and stay directly above whatever is inside the glass that you were drinking. Move smoothly and gently and as you finish exhaling, place your glass back down on the table or the bar. The vapor will sit right on top of liquid you were drinking just long enough for you to take an awesome snapshot of it and post it on Facebook.

3. The Dragon

This is easy to manage, and possibly reminiscent of Game Of Thrones. Inhale as much vapor as you comfortably can and push it out through both your mouth and your nostrils concurrently. No big deal, right? Wrong. What makes it cool is that you’re going to keep the center of your lips pressed together and the vapor is going to come out each corner of your mouth (while coming out your nostrils, too). So what you end up with is bursts of vapor, two coming out from the edges of your mouth and flying sideways; and the other two shooting from your nostrils, downwards. It can be a little tricky to coordinate, but you will probably get it… eventually.

You are not likely to get these tricks right the first time around. Probably not the second time around either. But, as they say, practice makes perfect. And if you need E-liquid and vaping devices with which to perfect your tricks, check out the massive inventory at Discount Vape Pen. We cater to all of your vaping needs.

Maximise your Vape Clouds with Sub-Ohm Vape Kits!


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