Why Does My Vape Taste Burned?


You finally decided to jump onboard the vaping train. And you are enjoying it to the max! You picked up a couple of luscious flavors and they are serving you well. Everything seems to be going along smoothly when suddenly, you begin noticing a burnt taste. What is this?  It is certainly not what you signed up for! What could be wrong? Are you doing something that you shouldn’t be doing? Is your device malfunctioning? The answer is likely simple and the situation easily remedied.

What Is Causing the Burnt Flavor?

When vapers notice a burnt or metallic flavor to their vape it is most often caused by a couple of things. There may be, within the atomizer coil, a buildup of gunk. Another cause can be dry wick material.

If you experience a bad or burned taste, and the cause is a dry wick, you could actually be harming your cartomizer or atomizer. One trick with which to remedy this situation, if you’re using a top coils tank, is to tilt the tank and battery either while or before vaping. This submerges the wicks in your e-fluid.

Why Does the Wick Dry Out?

Those nasty hits are possibly produced because your wick dried out quickly. This happens when not enough liquid is pulled into the wick. Why isn’t enough liquid being pulled into the wick? This can happen because of coil gunking or not enough liquid being in your tank.

How Old Is Your Coil?

If you’ve noticed a nasty taste to your favorite vape lately, this should be one of the first questions you ask yourself. Your coil could be burnt or old. You should never taste burnt cotton or feel like your throat is being burned. It’s time to replace your coil.

Additionally, for maximized performance, you should be priming your coils and, after filling your tank, allowing the coils to sit there for about 30 minutes.

Pay Attention to the Heat

You might want to lower the wattage on your device if you detect a burned or nasty taste. You can always go higher if you so choose. Not all devices have temperature controls, and it is considered a bonus if they do. Experienced vapers recommend a temp control mod with stainless steel, titanium, or nickel coils for a more exact vaping temperature.

And slow down! Take your time. This isn’t a race. It’s supposed to be a relaxing, enjoyable experience.

Check Your Juice

A burnt taste can also be the result of an e-juice that contains too much VG for your device to handle. Because PG isn’t as thick as VG, you should use a higher PG and a lower VG in your device. This, of course, is once you have exhausted the previously suggested methods.

Also, sweeter e-juices can lead to a burnt taste because they tend to destroy your wick. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t enjoy sweet e-juices. It simply means that you want to watch your wick.

Before you make a hasty decision and drop vaping altogether, look at the reasons why you are experiencing a bad taste and the (more likely than not) simple solutions to the problem. Don’t let a dry wick or clogged coils ruin the entire vaping experience for you.


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