Why Do I Get E-Liquid In My Mouth During Vaping?


You are all excited. You ran out and purchased a brand new tank or other vaping device. You read the manual, and everything is primed and ready to go. You fire up that first hit and what happens? You find yourself with E-fluid in your mouth. And the unfortunate thing here is that E-juice tastes great when vaped – not so much when you have a mouthful!

Why Can I Taste E-Liquid in my Mouth?

While finding E-juice in your mouth during vaping may or may not be objectionable to everyone, it is so very common that it even has a name. It is referred to as “spit back“. And though it frequently happens during the use of a new device, it can suddenly happen after enjoying several weeks of vaping with a device and experiencing no spit back at all. For all intents and purposes, there are 3 basic causes of this situation;

Reason #1 – A Dead Coil

Your coil may be done dancing if it is giving you a lot of spit back. They only last so long, after all, even under the best circumstances. Don’t expect that coil to last a month or two. A week or two is about as long as you should use a coil for. The kind of E-fluid that you use can have an effect on the life expectancy of your coil. Coils tend to die quicker the more artificial sweeteners there are within an E-liquid.

The solution – Purchase a new coil. Don’t expect coils to last for months at a time. And limit your use of super sweet E-fluids, if possible.

Reason #2 – Bad E-Liquid

“Bad” may not be the right word. It could just be that you’re using the wrong kind of E-fluid. Your tank’s or device’s performance depends largely on what kind of E-liquid you use in it. You might be asking for trouble if you have a sub ohm coil and you are using an E-fluid that is high in PG. They tend to be watery and thin. They flow right through your coil. On the other hand, E-fluids with high VG content are better designed for the sub ohm coils’ large wicking ports.

The solution – Change your vape juice. Use high VG liquid if your coils have large wicking ports. You should be able to determine this simply by looking. Feel free to use higher PG liquid if your coils are not as large and have wicking ports that are smaller.

Reason #3 – Did You Over Prime the Coil?

This is a common mistake and happens frequently; particularly if you’re not familiar with a tank or device. Correct coil priming is executed by applying a bit of E-liquid to the wicking ports. Just drip, down the center of it, a few drops. Some will require less juice, some more. You don’t want build-up in the chimney, you just want to saturate the cotton well.

The solution – if you do happen to over saturate your coil while priming, before you fully install it, give it a good couple of shakes. This will likely rid the coil chimney of any extra E-liquid. If that doesn’t do the trick, here’s what to do. Take a good breath. On your device, hold down the fire button while, into the mouthpiece, you blow softly. The air holes will have vapor coming out of them. With a towel or rag, wipe off any extra E-juice that is present.


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